Sundays: Kate 5pm, Mondays: VeryGoodKardz 5pm, Tuesdays: Hitman 5pm, Thursdays: TBD 5pm, Friday: Hitman 5pm (PST)

New Group Breaks Are Posted!

Group Breaks this Tuesday, May 4th @ 5:30pm PST! Spots are on sale now on  for VIP YouTube Members and will go on sale to everyone else tomorrow at Noon PST!
There is 3 total Breaks, and possibly some "Degen Time"
Break # 33 - ($66/Spot) UFC Prizm - 25 Random Spots, Each Spot receives a Fighter From Tier 1, a Fighter from Tier 2, and 6 other random Fighters!
Break # 34 - ($71/Spot) 2020 Football, Two Chronicles Hobby Boxes w/Select, Optic Blasters!
Break #35 - ($99/Spot) Two Year Basketball, Prizm Hobby with Mosaic Mega and Hangers!


  • How does the UFC break works? How will you randomize who gets who? Please clarify thanks.

    Aaron Loquinario
  • We will still have our usual Friday Night Group Breaks as well! Those will be posted on Wednesday 5/5!


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